Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions are commonly asked by prospective participants and their families. If you have additional questions, contact PACE KC at 816-321-3300.

What is PACE KC?

PACE stands for Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. PACE KC, a program of Swope Health, is the only provider of PACE services in Jackson County, Missouri. As a health insurance program that covers and provides healthcare for people age 55+, PACE KC meets the specific needs of older adults.

Learn more about PACE KC

What services does PACE KC provide?

PACE KC provides all the care and services covered by Medicare and Medicaid, as well as medically necessary care and services that are not covered by Medicare and Medicaid. Our program includes everything you need to stay healthy and independent, as determined by our interdisciplinary team of health and wellness experts. PACE KC coverage includes, but is not limited to:

  • Prescription and non-prescription drugs
  • Primary care
  • Rehabilitation services (physical therapy, occupational therapy and recreational therapy)
  • Specialist care
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Transportation to and from all appointments and activities related to your care
  • Hospital stays and nursing home stays as needed
  • Home care and personal care
  • Social work services
  • Nutrition services
  • Vision care
  • Dental care
  • Family/caregiver support
  • End of life care

Learn more about PACE KC Services

How is PACE KC different from other health plans or long-term care programs?

Our focus on prevention sets PACE KC apart from other health plan or long-term care options. Everything we do is designed to help you prevent new or worsening health problems. We provide comprehensive healthcare that focuses on your individual needs and fosters your independence. PACE KC helps you age in place safely by providing all the medical services and support you need for healthy living.

What does “aging in place” mean?

Aging in place means staying at home as you grow older, rather than moving into a nursing home, assisted living facility or retirement community. For many older adults, aging in place is better for their health, wellness and happiness.

What is the cost of care through PACE KC?

Our goal is to ensure cost will never be a barrier to receiving the right level of healthcare. For those who are eligible, PACE KC is fully covered by Medicare and/or Missouri Medicaid (MO HealthNet), and there are never co-pays or deductibles for authorized, in-network care.

If your eligibility requires a self-pay contribution, the state of Missouri will determine the amount of your monthly premium. Premiums are based on income and current financial holdings. PACE KC is designed to make high-quality healthcare more affordable for older adults with low or fixed incomes, and our commitment means the cost of PACE KC will never change despite your changing needs.

To ensure comprehensive and well-coordinated care, PACE KC participants must receive all necessary healthcare, including primary care and specialty physician services (other than emergency services) from PACE KC network providers or other providers/entities authorized by PACE KC. PACE KC participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized services or out-of-network services.

How do I qualify for PACE KC?

To be eligible for PACE KC enrollment, you must be age 55 or older and live in Jackson County, Missouri. In addition, the state of Missouri will need to verify that you qualify for nursing home care but are able to live safely in the community at the time of enrollment into PACE KC. Our friendly and knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will make all the necessary arrangements and guide you through the entire eligibility and enrollment process.

After enrollment, your PACE KC interdisciplinary care team will work with you and your family/caregivers to build a personalized car plan just for you. In addition, our social workers will make sure you maintain financial eligibility for PACE KC.

Learn more about enrolling in PACE KC

As a PACE KC participant, where will I go for my healthcare?

The PACE KC Adult Wellness Center is the central hub for most services. It is a comfortable, welcoming place to receive primary care, rehabilitation therapy and many other services according to your individual care plan. It is also a great place to socialize during recreational activities, classes and meals. PACE KC provides transportation to and from the Center – a service we call “door-through-door” transportation because it is designed to get you safely to and from your destination by going above and beyond mere curbside pickup.

The PACE KC Adult Wellness Center is located at:

4141 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 
Kansas City, Missouri 64130

At times, your care plan will call for services that are not provided at the PACE KC Wellness Center. Such times may include hospital inpatient care or the need to see a specialist (e.g., cardiologist, oncologist, surgeon, etc.). PACE KC not only covers the care under these circumstances, we also provide door-through-door transportation for these types of visits as well.

In the event of a medical emergency, you and/or your caregivers should call 911 or seek treatment at the nearest emergency room. As a PACE KC participant, you may seek emergency services wherever you are within the United States or its territories. Prior authorization for treatment of an emergency medical condition is not required.

Can my family stay involved with decisions about my care?

Absolutely! Your family knows you better than anyone else. That’s why PACE KC cares deeply about keeping them involved in your healthcare decisions. Our role is to enhance – not replace – the care and support you get from your loved ones. A coordinated, team effort helps us deliver the best care for you.

Can I discontinue my enrollment if desired?

Yes. Enrollment in PACE KC is voluntary, which means you can leave the program any time for any reason. A participant’s voluntary disenrollment is effective on the first day of the month following the date the PACE organization receives the participant’s notice of voluntary disenrollment